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Mesos In Person Birth Doula

3,000 US dollars
Virtual & In Person

Service Description

Ideal for first time parents, VBAC or high-risk pregnancies. 4 customized childbirth education sessions up to 90 minutes each (3 virtual +1 in person). Sessions tailored to your specific needs - lessons on birth physiology, pain coping strategies, induction and cesarean preparation, processing past birth experiences, registry review, baby care basics, preparing your home for baby, postpartum expectations and more. Ongoing doula support via text or email from date of hire to one month postpartum. On-call period from 38 weeks to 41 weeks. Unlimited doula labor support via phone, zoom or in person. 2 in-person postpartum support sessions up to 3 hours each. Postpartum support may include breastfeeding or bottle feeding support, basic household chores (laundry, dishes, meal prep), baby care, processing birth experiences or postpartum depression or anxiety, or whatever your family might need. Access to private Parent Support Group on Facebook - only available to Tharreō clients.

Connect with Katie today


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