As a postpartum doula, along with being a certified childbirth educator and birth doula, I am always looking for products that help out new parents. Some of these are super important while others are a bit more frivolous but maybe help make the day-to-day a bit easier or brighter.

My absolute favorite diaper bag, turned every-day-bag plus add a weekender and fanny pack, is from Fawn Design. These bags are beautiful, hold up so well against spilled snacks and overloading, and don't necessarily look like a baby supply. I have several of their bags in various styles and love them all. This is definitely not sponsored (I wish!) but I just love them that much!
I am almost always recommending anything by the Frida brand (who hasn't heard of the FridaBaby Nose Frida?) but their more recent FridaMom brand is AMAZING! Clearly moms actually made these products. Again, not sponsored, I would just really recommend their postpartum supplies, breastfeeding care, and probably anything else they come up with!
What are your favorite mom and dad supplies? What helps make postpartum just a little bit easier? What helps make parenting a bit more enjoyable? Share with me on Facebook and Instagram!